In order to edit this wiki you need to be a b-it-bots member or have access to the wiki repository. The workflow is similar to our regular way of working: 1. Create a fork of our wiki repository. 2. Clone the wiki repository. In your terminal type:

    git clone<your-github-username>/wiki.git
Note: You need to substitute your username without the `<>` signs.
  1. Add your information to in the file _data/authors.yml

  2. Create a new post in the _posts folder. The file you create must be named

  3. Customize it! You can use the template below as an example of what you can use:

     title: "Your post title"
       - git
       - python
       - navigation
     author: Your Name
     Your post here can be formatted using markdown. There may be some steps:
     1. First things first
     2. Then the second stuff

    If you want to further customize it, you can go through the minimal mistakes' documentation.

Last updated