Object Perception
Scene Segmentation (mcr_scene_segmentation)
roslaunch mcr_scene_segmentation scene_segmentation.launch
workspace finder: Finds planes of (usually horizontal) workspaces
: set of PCL nodelets for plane segmentationworkspace_finder_node
: combines PolygonStamped and ModelCoefficients messages into PlanarPolygon (representation of planar workspace)
: Segments points above given PlanarPolygon and accumulates points from multiple frames (should be separated into two components)tabletop_cloud_clusterer_node
: Clusters given pointcloud based on Euclidean distancebounding_box_maker_node
: visualizes bounding box of clusters
Important parameters:
:transform: filter_limit_max: points further than this from the camera are filtered out
voxel_filter: filter_limit_min/max: range in z-axis of base_link in which points are considered
passthrough_x: filter_limit_min/max: range in x-axis of base_link in which points are considered
planar_segmentation: axis: Planes whose normals are along this axis are considered (within angular_threshold)
: range of height above the planar polygon from which points are segmentedaccumulate_clouds
: number of frames to accumulate before segmenting points
: minimum distance between clustersmin_distance_to_polygon
: clusters whose centroid is closer than this threshold to the polygon are discarded (in case only half the object is within the polygon)min_cluster_size
: minimum and maxmimum number of points allowed in a cluster (smaller and larger clusters are rejected)
rostopic pub /mcr_perception/mux_pointcloud/event_in std_msgs/String e_trigger
(switches pointcloud multiplexer from empty topic to camera pointcloud or vice versa). This will trigger all components inworkspace_finder.launch
rostopic pub /mcr_perception/mux_pointcloud/select std_msgs/String /arm_cam3d/depth_registered/points
(select exact topic which the mux will publish)rostopic pub /mcr_perception/workspace_finder/event_in std_msgs/String e_trigger
(trigger workspace finder node to publish PlanarPolygon message (on the topic /mcr_perception/workspace_finder/polygon)
Object Detection (mcr_object_detection)
roslaunch mcr_object_detection object_detection.launch
(includes scene_segmentation.launch)Uses
to find horizontal planes and clusters of object candidates(ros/scripts/)
: This is a state machine that calls the different components inscene_segmentation
and callsobject_recognizer
messagecalculates pose of object as centroid of cluster, and orientation along three principal axes
publishes tf of all objects
rostopic pub /mcr_perception/object_detector/event_in std_msgs/String e_trigger
(triggers object detector and publishes object list (on topic/mcr_perception/object_detector/object_list
Object Recognition (mcr_object_recognition_mean_circle)
roslaunch mcr_object_recognition_mean_circle object_recognition.launch
(includes object_detection.launch)Provides a service to classify objects using a previously trained svm classifier
Collecting object pointcloud clusters
roslaunch mcr_perception_tools collect_object_pointclouds.launch
Place one object on a workspace
roscd mcr_perception_tools/ros/scripts && ./collect_object_pointclouds --dataset --confirm-every
example: ./collect_object_pointclouds --dataset atwork_objects --confirm-every 5 S40_40_B
Confirm the dataset and object name are correct
Confirm the detected workspace is correct
Check rviz to see if the detected cluster is correct
Move the object to a different pose, then confirm the object cluster is correct
Repeat until you have ~100 samples of the object, then repeat for different objects
Training SVM classifier
roscd mcr_object_recognition_mean_circle/ros/tools && ./train_classifier.py --dataset --output
example: ./train_classifier.py --dataset atwork_objects --output atwork_objects
classifier is saved in common/config/atwork_objects
specify classifier name (atwork_objects) in object_recognition.launch
Last updated
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