
In PC1

  1. Access the first PC of Jenny from the computer by using the command

     ssh -X username@cob3-1-pc1

    Alias: cob1.

  2. Start the roscore using the command


Bringing up the robot

  1. Access Jenny'S PC1 using ssh (alias cob1).

  2. Bring up the robot using the following command:

     roslaunch mdr_bringup robot.launch

    Alias: bringup

In your PC

  1. Open a second terminal and in order to tell your computer where the ROS master is located, set the variable ROS_MASTER_URI to Jenny's first PC:

     export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://cob3-1-pc1:11311/

    Alias: export_cob

  2. To let the ROS master know where youre node is running, set the ROS_IP variable to the IP of the PC you are using

     export ROS_IP=<Your IP address>

    Alias: export_rosip

    Note: The ifconfig command can be used to get your computer's IP address.

  3. Launch the "Dashboard" GUI, used to initialize Jenny

roslaunch mdr_bringup dashboard.launch

Alias: dashboard

In the Dashboard GUI

  1. First click on "Init all" button in the GUI Note: Emergency switches have to be released ( procedure for releasing the emergency switch ) before the pressing "Init all"

    The wheels will rotate above its z axis and the torso and camera will move to its initial position.

  2. Then click Recover all After few seconds check mark on the GUI should be green

Turning off the computers in Jenny

Access each of the PCs in Jenny (alias cob1, cob2, cob3) and shut down the computer

sudo shutdown now

Note: for all the alias list click here

Last updated