Getting the classifier from a data set


Install sklearn 0.17.1:

sudo pip install sklearn==0.17.1

Install Cython:

sudo pip install Cython

Clone the Python-pcl repository from the b-it-bots github page:

git clone

Go inside the python-pcl folder and run the following:

sudo python install

Save the classifier

Go to the location of the '' file inside your catkin workspace and run that file with the given parameters:

cd *your catkin workspace*/src/mas_perception/mcr_object_recognition_mean_circle/ros/tools/
python --dataset *add path to the folder with data to be trained here*

Implement the classifier

Run the following to be able to use the classifier:

roslaunch mcr_object_recognition_mean_circle object_recognition.launch input_pointcloud_topic:=/camera/depth_registered/points target_frame:=base_link classifier:=classifier

To visualize your result on rviz, add the PointCloud2, Marker and MarkerArray feature in the rviz menu.

In the Marker tab, select the "/mcr_perception/scene_segmentation/bounding_boxes" topic.

In the MarkerArray tab, select the "/mcr_perception/scene_segmentation/labels" topic.

In the PointCloud2 tab, select "/mcr_perception/scene_segmentation/tabletop_clusters" topic.

Publish the message 'e_start':

rostopic pub /mcr_perception/scene_segmentation/event_in std_msgs/String "data: 'e_start'"

Publish the message 'e_add_cloud_start':

rostopic pub /mcr_perception/scene_segmentation/event_in std_msgs/String "data: 'e_add_cloud_start'"

Publish the message 'e_segment':

rostopic pub /mcr_perception/scene_segmentation/event_in std_msgs/String "data: 'e_segment'"

This last one will should enable the visualization of the classifier on rviz.

Last updated