
Powering Jenny on

To start Jenny, follow the steps provided below:

  1. Turn the coarse current up slightly and turn the fine current up completely.

  2. Switch the power supply unit on.

  3. Adjust the voltage to 55-56V by turning up the coarse voltage button (if the voltage is not already in that range).

  4. Connect the plug to the socket on the robot.

  5. Turn the coarse current knob up completely.

  6. Turn the key on Jenny to the right (hold it for a few seconds and then release it).

  7. Release the emergency stop. The procedure is listed below.

Releasing the emergency stop

This procedure is to be performed using the remote emergency stop (the big yellow remote).

  1. Press the big red button.

  2. Pull the big red button back up.

  3. Press the topmost black button for a few seconds. If done correctly, you will hear a faint click on release.

  4. Turn the key on Jenny to the right. You should again hear a single click; if you do not, perform the procedure again.

After this, you can restart Jenny from the console by pressing the 'init_all' button on the dashboard followed by 'recover_all'. The latter must be performed after every emergency stop release, while the former is not required except on starting Jenny. (Detailed information about accessing the dashboard can be found on the Manipulation page)

Note: Always place the remote on its charging station after you have finished working on Jenny.

Powering Jenny off

  1. Turn the key on Jenny to the left.

  2. Turn the power supply's coarse current knob down completely.

  3. Unplug the red power cable from Jenny.

  4. (Optional) Turn off the supply unit; turning down the voltage knobs is not necessary.

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