The speech package is run on Jenny's PC3 This will generate two files (.bnf and .fcf), which contain the speech commands in the form of a dictionary . The state machine receives one of this keys, and looks for the related words, while discarding the garbage.
: speech recognitionmanyears_ros
: sound localization 8 sounds / Manyears
define the path to the grammar filecommand_states_speech.py
requires a string and just outputs the audio.
Running the code
Speech recognition
roslaunch vocon_speech_recognizer vocon.launch
The default grammar file is specified in:vocon_speech_recognizer/data/general_purpose.bnf
Recognized speech is published on the topic:/recognized_speech
Strings published to /sound/say
are output to the speaker as audio
To generate new grammar files you can: a) https://gist.github.com/moriarty/20fbb331d90755a059ad7df30fba16ac b) go to http://edinburgh.uni-koblenz.de:8000/ and upload the grammar file (.txt).
In Jenny
Run the following:
In another terminal:
once you run the speech_test
Say "begin test" or "start test" and then ask one of the questions from /mcr_speech/mcr_question_matching/ros/config/questions.txt
ManyEars sound localization
Sound source direction is published on the topic: /manyears/source_direction
Parameter file which specifies arrangement of microphones on Jenny and other config: manyears_ros/data/cob3-1.mes
In Jenny
In addition to the roscore
and robot.launch
, run:
In another terminal:
And finally:
Speech synthesis is done on cob3 using the following node. It is launched by default with bringup. In case you reboot cob3 while bringup is running, relaunch this node:
A description of the parameters can be found here: https://sourceforge.net/p/manyears/wiki/SoftwareDocumentation/
Last updated
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