
{: .notice--danger} This page is out of date. To set up the stable workspace, please follow the README in b-it-bots/dev-env

Setup And Install A Seperated Workspace for Stable Repositories

Motivation: move repositories which are rarely modified to a separated location to avoid building them everytime with your $ROS_WORKSPACE.


  • python-wstool and python-catkin-tools installed (this guide uses command from catkin_tools, i.e.catkin build instead of catkin_make)

sudo apt install python-wstool python-catkin-tools
  • Open a terminal without any setup.bash sourced, i.e. env | grep -i ros should print nothing (if not use unset or edit .bashrc file).

export WS_SETUP_PATH=/path/to/my/ws/setup   # i.e. ~/ros-ws-setup
git clone $WS_SETUP_PATH

Note: for zsh users, source setup.zsh instead of setup.bash for all workspaces

Install stable workspace

Run repositories.debs

The easiest way to install all packages required by the @Home repositories is to execute the repositories.debs file in mas_domestic_robotics repository. This however requires some modification to the script in order to avoid conflict with the stable workspace setup:

  • Clone the MAS repositories first to get the repositories.debs. The wstool command should create the src directory with three mas_* repositories.

export MAS_WORKSPACE_PATH=/path/to/mas/ws   # i.e. ~/catkin_ws/indigo
wstool init src $WS_SETUP_PATH/cob-user/mas-domestic-robotics.rosinstall
  • Edit the repositories.debs under the mas_domestic_robotics directory:

    • Comment out rosinstall .. /opt/ros/indigo repository.rosinstall line (these repositories will be installed with the stable workspace).

    • ros-indigo-cob-extern in packagelist will cause errors with apt installation (messages about overwriting some README files), so comment it out or resolve this in some other way.

cd src/mas_domestic_robotics
vim repositories.debs   # or emacs, nano
  • Execute repositories.debs


Configure and build stable workspace

  • Configure stable workspace

source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash                 # get cakin commands
export STABLE_WORKSPACE_PATH=/path/to/stable/ws   # i.e. ~/catkin_ws/indigo-cob3-1-stable
wstool init src $WS_SETUP_PATH/cob-stable/indigo-cob3-1-stable-pc2.rosinstall
catkin config --init
catkin config --install --install-space /opt/ros/indigo-cob3-1-stable
  • Run catkin config in $STABLE_WORKSPACE_PATH to check workspace configuration. The output should have the correct Extending and Install Space paths:

Extending:          [cached] /opt/ros/indigo
Workspace:                   $STABLE_WORKSPACE_PATH
Source Space:       [exists] $STABLE_WORKSPACE_PATH/src
Log Space:          [exists] $STABLE_WORKSPACE_PATH/logs
Build Space:        [exists] $STABLE_WORKSPACE_PATH/build
Devel Space:        [exists] $STABLE_WORKSPACE_PATH/devel
Install Space:      [exists] /opt/ros/indigo-cob3-1-stable
  • If workspace configuration is okay, build stable workspace by running catkin build

Configure and build MAS workspace

  • This will be your development workspace with the mas_* repositories.

source /opt/ros/indigo-cob3-1-stable/setup.bash     # make MAS workspace extends
                                                    # the stable workspace
catkin config --init
  • Check workspace configuration by running catkin config, the output should have the correct Extending path:

Extending:          [cached] /opt/ros/indigo-cob3-1-stable:/opt/ros/indigo
Workspace:                   $MAS_WORKSPACE_PATH
Source Space:       [exists] $MAS_WORKSPACE_PATH/src
Log Space:          [exists] $MAS_WORKSPACE_PATH/logs
Build Space:        [exists] $MAS_WORKSPACE_PATH/build
Devel Space:        [exists] $MAS_WORKSPACE_PATH/devel
Install Space:      [unused] $MAS_WORKSPACE_PATH/install

Last updated