Setting up your development environment

If you are an @home member, you can setup your development environment by using the scripts as described in the dev-env README.

Setting up a catkin workspace

After following the instructions for installing the requirements, you should create a catkin workspace. By convention, we recommend naming your workspace kinetic

mkdir -p ~/kinetic/src && cd ~/kinetic

Next we'll use wstool to specify which b-it-bots repositories should be cloned your workspace. In the case of @home, for example:

wstool init src
wstool merge -t src

Get the code and dependencies

Using wstool, we clone all the repositories to your workspace:

  wstool update -t src

Next we use rosdep to install all the dependencies required by the packages to your system:

  rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro=kinetic -y

Building your workspace

You'll first need to install catkin-tools and finally compile the repository:

cd ~/kinetic
catkin build

In order to be able to run what you just compiled, you should source your catkin workspace:

source ~/kinetic/devel/setup.bash

The last command should be added to the ~/.bashrc file so that they do not need to be executed every time you open a new terminal.

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