Atom configuration


Option 1: Following their official instructions.

  1. Download their latest stable release here.

  2. Run the following:

# Install atom
sudo dpkg -i atom-amd64.deb

# Install Atom's dependencies if they are missing
sudo apt-get -f install

Option 2: Adding the unofficial ppa

Run the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install atom


You can easily open your settings by pressing ctrl+,. (Also found in Edit>Preferences).

Minimal setup

After you have installed atom, there are a few additional packages that you should install. You can do this by runnig the script found in the dotfiles repository in your terminal. This will install the following packages:

  • language-ini

  • language-cmake

  • atom-ros

  • linter-pycodestyle

  • linter

  • linter-ui-default

  • linter-clang

  • intentions

  • busy-signal

Other recommended packages include (there is an script to install them):

  • minimap

  • highlight-selected

  • minimap-highlight-selected

  • minimap-git-diff

  • minimap-find-and-replace

  • minimap-selection

Updating your config file

Copy the contents of the config.cson file in this repository to your atom config. Assuming you cloned the dotfiles repository on your home folder:

cp -f ~/dotfiles/atom/config.cson ~/.atom/config.cson

Last updated