
Note : For simulation please check simulation_mapping.md

Export the youbot ssh alias


To shh the youbot (in all terminals):


this is the alias to connect to the youbot

Run roscore


Launch the robot

roslaunch mir_bringup robot.launch

Run rviz

rosrun rviz rviz

Set the global frame to base_link

Launch SLAM

roslaunch mir_2dslam 2dslam.launch

Note: the map is built using the front laser's only

Run the map saver

Go to the folder with the map roscd mcr_default_env_config

By using ls you can see several folders corresponding to existing environments. You can either use an existing map or create a new one:

mkdir [map_name]

Before running the map_saver you need to be located in the environment folder:

cd [map_name]

And then run:

rosrun map_server map_saver

This will create two files: a map.pgm and map.yml.

Finally, to use the map that you just created you need to check which map will be loaded by the navigation stack:


If you need to change it:

export ROBOT_ENV=[map_name]

Note: Usually the .rosc script is used to set the environment, among other variables.

Bringup the robot

First export the environment to be used: export ROBOT_ENV=brsu-C025

Launch the robot:

roslaunch mir_bringup robot.launch

Launch the navigation node

roslaunch mir_2dnav 2Dnav.launch

Create navigation goals and orientations

First you need to create the files where goals will be saved:

touch navigation_goals.yaml
touch orientation_goals.yaml

Localize the robot

In rviz: 1. Select the 2D pose estimate 2. Click the position near the robot 3. Move with joystick 4. Launch navigation tools (in yb2)

roscd mcr_default_env_config
cd brsu-C025
rosrun mcr_navigation_tools save_map_poses_to_file

Run move_base

rosrun mir_move_base_safe move_base_safe_server.py
rosrun mir_move_base_safe move_base_safe_client_test.py [source] [dest]
roslaunch mir_basic_navigation_test refbox_parser.py

Last updated