First steps
Installing the requirements
Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 LTS
We recommend you use Ubuntu 16.04 for your development environment. In general, our repository and its related components have been tested using Ubuntu Xenial. Keep in mind that the robots in the lab will also be setup with the latest compatible Ubuntu distribution.
If you are not currently using Ubuntu, you can download it to your computer from
ROS Kinetic officially supports Ubuntu Wily (15.10) and Ubuntu Xenial (16.04 LTS). To see other supported platforms please see the ROS Kinetic installation instructions.
It is possible to set up a different operating system for your development environment. However is the support for those options very limited or not given at all. In the following you find an approach for Arch-Linux that has been applied by some students, already.
It is possible to setup your development environment by using a Docker-based setup locally.
ROS - Robot Operating System
The current supported version of ROS is Kinetic Kame. To install ROS, follow the official installation instructions found here:
ROS Kinetic -
Don't forget to initialize rosdep
Finally, a few recommended tools that you can install include wstool and catkin-tools:
Git - Version Control
Install the Git core components and some additional GUI's for the version control:
Set Up Git
Now it's time to configure your settings. To do this you need to open a new Terminal. First you need to tell git your name, so that it can properly label the commits you make:
Git also saves your email address into the commits you make.
Add your ssh key to GitHub
It is recommended that you use ssh to connect to GitHub. For more information you can read GitHub's documentation on ssh here.
Make sure that you are following the instructions for Linux.
GitHub setup
Make sure you have joined the b-it-bots organization by visiting
Fork the b-it-bots@home repositories
Depending on what you are working on, you might want to fork different repositories. For most people working on the following areas, mas_domestic_robotics will be more than enough, but here are some other repositories you might want to fork:
To find out how to fork a repo, use GitHub's guide.
Last updated
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